After a year or so of keeping a tarantula you will probably be interested in expanding your collection and buying some of the more unusual species and will be experienced enough to have success.

Lasiodora parahybana (salmon-pink):
Description: The basic colouration is black / brown with yellowish grey hairs on the legs. The abdomen is a rich velvet black and is covered with long salmon-pink bristles. The carapace is scarlet brown with a border of fiery-red fringe hairs. This species is fast growing reaching adult size in around 18 months.
Size: Up to 25 cms leg span. This spider is in close competition with the Goliath. Habitat: A terrestrial burrower from Brazil.

Pelinobius muticus (king baboon):
Description: This spider has a distinct rust-red colouration and is covered in silky hairs. The back pair of legs are very enlarged and covered with dense hairs giving them a velvet like appearance. As with all the baboon spiders from Africa, this species is outwardly aggressive.
Size: A large species up to 25 cms across. Habitat: A deep burrowing species from Kenya.

Theraphosa blondi (goliath):
Description: The overall colour is russet brown to black and there are distinct spines on the 3rd and 4th pair of legs. A very large and chunky spider making it the largest recorded species to date.
Size: Up to 26 cms leg span. Habitat: Terrestrial burrowing species from Brazil.

Pamphobeteus spp.:
Description: The various species of Pamphobeteus  of basically various shades of brown and black and some species have striking white stripes running the length of their legs.
Size: All fairly large spiders up to 15 cms leg span. Habitat: All Pamphobeteus are terrestrial burrowers.

Ceratogyrus spp.:
Description: This family is characterized by the presence of a horn-like protuberance which extends from the centre of the carapace giving them their common name of the horned baboons. The overall colouration of the family is grey / brown and black with symmetrically spotted and striped abdomens. 
Size: A medium sized family up to 10 cms across. Habitat: Terrestrial burrowers from Africa.

Poecilotheria regalis (Indian ornamental):
The abdomen is grey with a white line down its centre and six black stripes radiate laterally along this line. The legs are covered in black and white patches and longitudinal lines. The underside has a broad yellow / cream stripe. The underside of the first two pairs of legs are bright yellow and the rear legs are black and dark blue making this genus one of the most attractive species available in the hobby. Several related species are regularly captive bred.

Size: A large species up to 15 cms leg span. Habitat: An arboreal species from South West India.

Haplopelma minax (Thailand black):
Description: An aggressive species which is coloured dark brown / black with faint stripes on the abdomen.
Size: Up to 14 cms across. Habitat: A deep burrowing species from Thailand.



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